Monitoring Kubernetes Control Plane with Prometheus

"Monitoring Kubernetes Control Plane" is a book for Kubernetes operators or anyone who wants to understand better how Kubernetes works and how to monitor it. 

About The Book

"Monitoring Kubernetes Control Plane" is a book for Kubernetes operators or anyone who wants to understand better how Kubernetes works and how to monitor it. 

What's Inside

  • 89 page independently published eBook with 12 chapters.
  • Book is available in Mobi, ePUB and PDF formats. 

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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1

Monitoring Basics

Nowadays it is easy to get lost in a sea of data. Each system can produce tons of telemetry
data. But how do you make sense of the data and use it effectively to keep track of a
system’s health and availability


Setting Up Prometheus to Monitor Kubernetes

Prometheus can monitor applications running inside Kubernetes and the Kubernetes
control plane. As with any monitoring system, there are many deployment considerations.
This chapter answers the following questions:

  • Should you deploy Prometheus inside or outside Kubernetes?
  • How do you deploy Prometheus in Kubernetes?
  • Where should you store Prometheus data?


    Monitoring Mixins

    Monitoring Mixins (Mixins) are customizable monitoring packages that can bundle:

    • Prometheus alerting rules
    • Prometheus recording rules
    • Grafana dashboards.

    Many people don’t use Mixins—they copy-paste alerting rules, find dashboards from the internet, and manually deploy everything to Prometheus and Grafana. 


    Writing Alerting Rules

    Writing good alerts is a challenging task. Unfortunately, many folks create alerts that on-call people learn to ignore. Some of the problems include the following:

    • Creating unactionable alerts 
    • Creating too many alerts that all fire together
    • Creating flaky alerts that fire often and quickly self-close

    chapter 5

    Kubernetes Metrics and Stability

    This chapter covers Kubernetes metrics, and goes into more detail on Kubernetes service level indicators and service level objectives.


    Kubernetes Architecture Overview

    This chapter covers Kubernetes architecture and it's design principles that helps to build a resilient system.

    Chapter 7

    Monitoring the Kubernetes API Server

    This chapter covers the inside workings of the Kubernetes API Server. Learn how  it works, the internals of various algorithms and how to configure it to make the Kubernetes API Server production-ready. Additionally, we explore SLOs, common issues and most important metrics.


    Monitoring etcd

    etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key–value store that reliably stores data. Kubernetes uses it as the database to store all the cluster resources, such as Deployments and Services. In Kubernetes, all requests to etcd go through the Kubernetes API server, which connects to etcd via the gRPC API.

    Chapter 9

    Monitoring the Kubernetes Controller Manager

    The Kubernetes controller manager is a daemon that embeds the core Kubernetes controllers. The controllers watch the cluster’s shared state through the Kubernetes API server and command changes to move the current state toward the desired state.

    CHAPTER 10

    Monitoring the Kubernetes Scheduler

    The Kubernetes Scheduler is a service that assigns Pods to Nodes so that Kubelet can run them. The Scheduler watches for pending Pods with no Node assigned and puts them into a scheduling queue. Then it filters suitable Nodes according to various constraints and available resources. At first glance, this task might seem trivial, but there are numerous factors to consider...

    Chapter 11

    Monitoring Kubelet

    The Kubelet is a Node daemon that registers itself with the Kubernetes API server and manages Pods for that Node. It’s important to know that Kubelet works in terms of Pods rather than Deployments or containers. It watches the Pods assigned to it and ensures that they are
    healthy and running. There are many things Kubelet needs to do to manage and run Pods.

    CHAPTER 12

    Monitoring Kube Proxy

    The Kube Proxy is a service that runs on every Node and manages Node-level networking rules and routes. These routes make the Kubernetes Service object live—routing and load- balancing traffic between the Pods.

    About Me

    Hey, I'm Povilas Versockas, a software engineer, blogger, Certified Kubernetes Administrator, CNCF Ambassador, and a computer geek.

    I love doing open-source work. I currently maintain a bunch of projects in Observabilty space: OpenTelemetry Helm Charts, Prometheus Observability packages: Kubernetes MixinCoreDNS mixinIn the past, I maintained Thanos - Prometheus Long Term Storage solution, which I helped to graduate to incubation status.
